How to Turn Firewalls On & Off in the Registry of Windows

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Click “Start,” thenk “Run,” type “Regedit” into the “Run” dialog and press “Enter” to launch the Registry Editor.

Navigate to the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindowsFirewallDomainProfile” key in the left pane of the Registry Editor window. If the “WindowsFirewallDomainProfile” subkey doesn’t exist, create a key named “WindowsFirewall” under the Microsoft key, and then create a key named “DomainProfile” under the WindowsFirewall key. You can create a key by right-clicking in the window, pointing to “New” and selecting “Key.”

Double-click the “EnableFirewall” value in the right pane. If the “EnableFirewall” value doesn’t exist, right-click in the right-pane, point to “New,” select “DWORD Value,” type “EnableFirewall” and press “Enter” to create it.

Type “0” into the Value Data box to disable the firewall for the domain profile or “1” to enable it for the domain profile, and then press “Enter.”

Navigate to the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindowsFirewallStandardProfile” key in the left pane. Create the “StandardProfile” key if it doesn’t already exist.

Double-click the “EnableFirewall” value in the right pane. Create the “EnableFirewall” value as a DWORD value if it doesn’t already exist.

Type “0” into the Value Data box to disable the firewall for the standard profile or “1” to enable it for the standard profile, and then press “Enter.”

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