How to Turn Off Video Captions on Facebook

Configurare noua (How To)


Facebook displays captions on its videos to help you follow the content, but if you don’t need them, they can be annoying. Keep in mind that Facebook doesn’t sync your caption settings across your devices, which means if you turn off the captions on your desktop, your phone will still display them, and vice versa. You’ll have to turn them off individually on each of your devices. Also note that Facebook’s Android app cannot display captions, so you won’t have to do anything to disable them if you’re using an Android device.


Disable Facebook’s Video Captions on Desktop
  • To disable the captions on your desktop, first, launch your preferred web browser on your computer and open Facebook. Sign in to your account if you haven’t already.
  • After logging in, in Facebook’s left sidebar, click your profile icon and choose “Settings & Privacy.”

Click the profile and choose "Settings & Privacy."

In the “Settings & Privacy” menu, select “Settings.”

Click "Settings."

On the “Settings” page, from the left sidebar, choose “Videos.”

Select "Videos" on the left.

You’ll land on a “Video Settings” page. Here, next to “Always Show Captions,” click the drop-down menu and choose “Off.”

Select "Off" for "Always Show Captions."

Facebook will automatically save your settings, and your captions are now disabled.

Hide Facebook’s Video Captions on iPhone and iPad

To turn off Facebook videos’ captions on your iPhone or iPad, you’ll use an option in your phone or tablet’s Settings app. This means the change will affect not only Facebook but other apps that display captions on your device, so be sure you’re comfortable with that before proceeding.

To begin, launch the Settings app on your phone. Then choose the “General” option.

Tap "General" in Settings.

On the “General” screen, select “Accessibility.”

Tap "Accessibility" in "General."

On the “Accessibility” page, scroll all the way down and select “Subtitles & Captioning.”

Select "Subtitles & Captioning."

Turn off the “Closed Captions + SDH” option.

Disable "Closed Captions + SDH."

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