How to Update google services on Huawei P50 Pro

Configurare noua (How To)



  • Automatic Update

The app shop update is usually installed automatically. The user does not see this process and has no way of influencing it. Hence, to update the Google Play on Huawei P50 Pro, you just need to be logged in to your Google account.

However, it is not uncommon for there to be a glitch that causes the app store to stop receiving updates. To find out if this is the case, you will need to check the current version of Google Play on the company’s website and then compare it with the build on your smartphone. You can check the version as follows:

  • Launch Play Store

Open the menu by pressing the three-bar button.

Go to “Settings”

Explore the information provided under “Play Store version”

If the current build differs from the current one, it is worth taking care to find the best way to install the update. Here are a few options for manually updating.

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