Instalare module nesuportate pe Cisco

Configurare noua (How To)


Cateodata ajungem in situatia in care trebuie sa instalam in echipamentele Cisco si module care nu sunt suportate de Cisco. Comanda care o prezint in solutie nu se autocompleteaza si este ascunsa, nu apare daca incercam cu “?”.


Ne conectam pe echipament

Intram in modul pe configurare terminal

Intram pe interfata in care am conectat modulus nesuportat si folosm comanda:

service unsupported-transceiver

(config-if)#service unsupported-transceiver

Warning: When Cisco determines that a fault or defect can be traced to
the use of third-party transceivers installed by a customer or reseller,
then, at Cisco’s discretion, Cisco may withhold support under warranty or
a Cisco support program. In the course of providing support for a Cisco
networking product Cisco may require that the end user install Cisco
transceivers if Cisco determines that removing third-party parts will
assist Cisco in diagnosing the cause of a support issue.

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