iOS 15: How to Invite Android Users to a FaceTime Call

Configurare noua (How To)


In iOS 15 and iPadOS 15, you can enable anyone, even if they don’t have an Apple device, to join a FaceTime call with you by creating a link to a ‌FaceTime‌ conversation that can be shared anywhere.

Using this new link facility, friends and family members who do not have an Apple account can log into a ‌FaceTime‌ call with you using a web browser opened on any non-Apple device, whether that’s a Windows PC or an Android phone. This effectively makes ‌FaceTime‌ a platform-agnostic video service, although you do need to be an iOS or Mac user to start the ‌FaceTime‌ call and send the link. Here’s how it works in ‌iOS 15‌ and ‌iPadOS 15‌.


Pasi de urmat

Launch the FaceTime app on your iPhone or iPad.

Tap Create Link.

Give your ‌FaceTime‌ Link an identifiable name by tapping Add Name at the top of the Actions menu that appears.

Select a method of sharing your link from the Actions menu, e.g. over Messages or Mail.


Once you’ve sent the link and the recipient opens it, they’ll be directed to a web page where they can enter their name to join the conversation. Once they’ve joined the call, they’ll have the usual ‌FaceTime‌ options to mute their microphone, disable video, switch the camera view, and leave the call.


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