LG TV error code 105 | How To Fix?

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What is LG TV error code 105?
The LG Smart TV error code 105 is a network or connectivity error. As it is an era of smart TVs so network connectivity is very much important because if your TV is not connected to good internet or if there is an unstable network connection available then, the purpose of being a smart TV will not be served.

So basically when your smart TV is not getting an internet connection or a good speed in it then, this error code occurs. Maybe, it is the default in your Wi-Fi because that is the most relevant cause of the said problem. In the next section, we will tell you about the causes of the occurrence of error code 105.


Reasons behind the occurrence of the LG TV error code 105

  • If you are accessive through a busy network then this error code is likely to occur.
  • If there is weak signal reception when you are trying to connect your TV to the internet then also the issue may arise.
  • You may encounter this problem when you are facing technical glitches while connecting to a network.
  • This is unusual but incorrect data and incorrect time entry in your system will also give rise to this error code.
  • This is a very obvious cause that if you are using an outdated network then you will not be able to connect to the internet.

How to get rid of LG TV error code 105?

Check internet connectivity
The first and foremost step to solving any network connectivity problem is to see if your device has good internet connectivity or not. And if you see that the internet is available then, the next thing which you need to do is to check the speed of the internet. If you are not getting a good speed or your internet then, this error code is likely to arise. So make sure that you have a speedy internet

Power cycle your LG TV
This is the most common way to get rid of the LG TV error code 105. you may just try to power cycle your TV and you can do that by following the simple steps:

Disconnect the power cable of LG TV and wait for a few minutes
After waiting, plug in the power cable to the power socket.
Now turn on both the devices, your TV and the Wi-Fi.
Now, see whether the issue persists or not.

Rectify the date and time settings

If the date and time settings of the LG smart TV are wrong or incorrect then this problem is likely to occur. The best way is to change and rectify the date and time settings of your LG smart TV and then check whether the problem is still there or not.

Change DNS settings

Sometimes a problem lies not in the LG TV but in the DNS settings of the same and also the Wi-Fi. If there is a problem with your Wi-Fi you need to change the DNS settings of the same to rectify the said problem.

Factory reset your system

If even after trying All the above solutions you are not being able to get the solution of the LG TV error code 105 then you may try to factory reset your TV. This will help you to have your system as a new one and you need to fill in the settings from the starting again.

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