Printer Has Experienced An Unexpected Configuration Problem (0x80040003)

Rezolvare problema (Fix IT)


In the situation and following error keeps appearing:

FIX Your Printer Has Experienced An Unexpected Configuration Problem 0x80040003

If you’re also getting this error message on your Windows 10, you can try below mentioned suggestions and fix it.


Pasi de urmat

Press W8K+ R and type services.msc in the Run dialog box, hit Enter key to open Services snap-in.

Services Windows 10

In Services window, right click on the Print Spooler service and select Stop. Minimize Services window.

FIX Your Printer Has Experienced An Unexpected Configuration Problem 0x80040003

Now again press W8K+ R and type %windir%system32spoolPRINTERS in the Run dialog box. Click OK.

FIX Your Printer Has Experienced An Unexpected Configuration Problem 0x80040003

Then you’ll be asked for the permissions as shown below. Click on Continue button in the permissions prompt. Provide the account credentials, if you’re asked for any.

FIX Your Printer Has Experienced An Unexpected Configuration Problem 0x80040003

Now in PRINTERS folder, delete everything and make this folder empty.

FIX Your Printer Has Experienced An Unexpected Configuration Problem 0x80040003

Now back in Services window, right click Printer Spooler service and click Start.

FIX Your Printer Has Experienced An Unexpected Configuration Problem 0x80040003

Finally, check the status of problem. The printer issue should be fixed now and error will no longer appear now.

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