Send a Message to Another PC on a Local Network

Configurare noua (How To)


If you wish to send a message to another computer in your network, follow these steps:

  • Start command prompt (cmd) – type cmd in the searchbox and run the app
  • Type the following command as:


Pasi de urmat
msg /SERVER:DestinationPC * /TIME:60 “This is the message to be sent to a PC named DestinationPC and closes in 60 seconds."
  • You will need to replace DestinationPC with the name of the desired PC (you can find this in the list of computers that are currently sharing your network, if you don’t already know the PC name).
  • Now, replace the value for TIME with how long you want the message to appear on the other screen for. For example TIME:30 for 30seconds
  • Then replace the text between the quotation marks with the message that you want to send.
  • Finally, you can hit enter, and the message will be sent.

It is easy to send messages through cmd prompt to other systems here is the answer first we have to set our systems messenger ACTIVE. For it, follow these steps:

  • 1. Go to RUN
  • 2. Type
  • 3. Scroll down and right click on MESSENGER
  • 4. Select PROPERTIES
  • 5. Then for enabling it go to STARTUP TYPE and select AUTOMATIC
  • 6. Then OK

And this should be performed on both sides (SENDER & RECEIVER). After that if you want to send message then do the following steps:

  • 1. Go to cmd prompt
  • 2. Type syntax as follows:
    net send <ipaddress of reciever> <message to be send>
    net send "hello"

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