You can sign up for Google Voice for free from your Google account, which uses the same information you use to access other Google services like Gmail and YouTube.
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If you don’t already have a Google account, sign up for one at
Read and accept any terms or policies, and then go into your Google Voice Settings. At the top of the page, inside the Phone numbers tab, select CHOOSE.
You can then search for a number based on a city’s area code. Type in Atlanta, GA, for instance, and you’ll be given all the numbers you can choose that have Atlanta area codes. Choose SELECT on the number you want.
You can then search for a number based on a city’s area code. Type in Atlanta, GA, for instance, and you’ll be given all the numbers you can choose that have Atlanta area codes. Choose SELECT on the number you want.
Then, go through the step-by-step process of linking your existing phone to your Google account so that you can use your Google Voice number with your tablet or phone.
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