Three methods to speed up Google Chrome on Windows

Configurare noua (How To)


Method 1: Clear The Browser Cache

Step 1: Open the Chrome browser, and click on the 3 dots present at the top right corner. Click on Settings.

Step 2: Click on Privacy and Security on the left side and click on Clear browsing data which is present on the right side.

Step 3: Now appears a window that has Basic and Advanced options. Click on Basic, select the time range when you want to clear the data, and check all the checkboxes history, cache, and cookies. Then click on Clear data.

Step 4: Also click on Advanced and select the time range when you want to clear the data and check the needed checkboxes as per your requirement and click on Clear data.

Step 5: Now close and re-open the browser and check the performance.

Method 2: Preload pages to load faster

1 – Go to chrome://settings/cookies in Chrome

2 -Make sure Preload pages Option is checked and selected

Method 3:  Remove the Extensions

1. Launch Chrome

2. Type chrome://extensions in the address bar and hit Enter key

3. Click on the Remove button associated with the extensions to remove them one by one from Chrome

4. Confirm the extension removal by clicking on Remove again.


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