Most computer users don’t take full advantage of the computer mouse, these simple mouse tricks can make you work faster and more efficiently.
Shift key and mouse click
Many text editors and programs allow you to highlight all or portions of text using the Shift and the mouse. For example, click at the beginning of a text, hold down Shift key, scroll to the bottom, and click at the end of the text to highlight the text.
Select with double and triple click
Any word can be selected by double-clicking the word. If you want to highlight the whole paragraph or sentence, click the mouse button three times on any word. Try it now on this paragraph by clicking three times fast on any word in the paragraph.
If you double-click and then drag your mouse, it highlights one word at a time.
Ctrl key and mouse click or highlight
While holding down the Ctrl, you can left-click to select multiple objects or highlight multiple sections of text.
Use the mouse side buttons
Many new computer mice also have buttons on the side of the mouse. These buttons can be programmed to do anything. However, by default, the left-thumb button can go back on a web page. Using the thumb button makes browsing the Internet more efficient, because you do not need to move the mouse pointer to the browser’s back arrow button to go back a page.
Manage the open window with the mouse
Double-click the top title bar of any window to maximize a window or make the window smaller if it’s maximized. You can also double-click the icon for the window in the top-left corner of the window to close that window.
Customize your mouse
Finally, if you have a mouse with more than two buttons, installing the included mouse software allows you to customize the mouse even more. For example, if you don’t use the side button to move back in a browser, change it to something you’d use, such as switching between open windows.
For example if you use a Logitech mouse you can customize settings by using their own software.
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