What is a Wireless LAN?

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A wireless local-area network (WLAN) is a group of colocated computers or other devices that form a network based on radio transmissions rather than wired connections. A Wi-Fi network is a type of WLAN; anyone connected to Wi-Fi while reading this webpage is using a WLAN.


  • How does a WLAN benefit a business?

By allowing work to happen anywhere, wireless networks don’t simply increase productivity and provide convenience. They can redefine enterprise goals and how they are achieved—not just in offices but also in factories, healthcare facilities, and schools.

  • How does a WLAN work?

Like broadcast media, a WLAN transmits information over radio waves. Data is sent in packets. The packets contain layers with labels and instructions that, along with the unique MAC (Media Access Control) addresses assigned to endpoints, enable routing to intended locations.

  • How is a WLAN created?

A home or office Wi-Fi network is an example of a WLAN set up in infrastructure mode. The endpoints are all connected and communicate with each other through a base station, which may also provide internet access.

A basic infrastructure WLAN can be set up with just a few parts: a wireless router, which acts as the base station, and endpoints, which can be computers, mobile devices, printers, and other devices. In most cases, the wireless router is also the internet connection.

  • Is a WLAN secure?

A WLAN is more vulnerable to being breached than a physical network. With a wired network, a bad actor must gain physical access to an internal network or breach an external firewall. To access a WLAN, a bad actor must simply be within range of the network.

The most basic method of securing a WLAN is to use MAC addresses to disallow unauthorized stations. However, determined adversaries may be able to join networks by spoofing an authorized address. The most common security method for a WLAN is encryption, including Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), with WPA2 as the standard authentication method.

  • How does roaming work on a WLAN?

For any sized network, access points can extend the area of access.

Wi-Fi standards are designed to allow a nonstationary user’s connection to jump from one access point to another, though some users and applications may experience brief dropouts. Even with nonoverlapping access points, a user’s connection is simply paused until connection with the next access point. Additional access points can be wired or wireless. When access points overlap, they can be configured to help optimize the network by sharing and managing loads.

  • What is a mesh network?

A mesh network extends a WLAN’s reach and performance, through the use of numerous access points that connect with each other wirelessly. A mesh network provides multiple transmission paths; with intelligent algorithms, it can manage routing to improve performance.

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