Information about (CSIRT) Computer Security Incident Response Team Data 06/07/2022 Autor George Chipurici -7 805
What kind of monitoring should be implemented on the personal information collected and what type of contracts should be concluded? Data 04/07/2022 Autor George Chipurici 2 84
How do we manage to identify disclosures of personal data in a commercial company? Data 04/07/2022 Autor George Chipurici -2 227
Information about protecting the three states of data (Data In Use/ Data in tranzit and Data at Rest) Data 04/07/2022 Autor George Chipurici -3 157
Cum reusește o întreprindere să colecteze, stocheze și să dezvăluie numai tipul/volumul de date necesare? Data 04/07/2022 Autor Ciprian Balan 4 151
How do we rectify personal data in all the IT systems at the proxies and in all the locations that contain data? GDPR Data 04/07/2022 Autor George Chipurici 2 191