Setare expirare cont Active Directory folosind PowerShell
Se doreste ca un cont de AD sa nu mai poata fi folosit dupa o anumita data folosind PowerShell
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Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
Se doreste ca un cont de AD sa nu mai poata fi folosit dupa o anumita data folosind PowerShell
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Se doreste ca un cont de AD sa nu mai poata fi folosit dupa o anumita data
[mai mult...]Vom explica mai jos procedura de migrare a unei masini virtuale care ruleaza pe un Hyper-V pe Windows 2008 intr-un Hyper-V pe Windows 2012. In mod normal, acest lucru nu este posibil din cauza problemelor de compatibilitate explicate in mod oficial de catre suportul tehnic Microsoft:
[mai mult...]VM’s that are exported from Windows Server 2008 or 2008 R2 utilized the version 1 WMI namespace which resulted in an .exp file to represent the exported virtual machine. In Windows Server 2012 we introduced a new WMI namespace (version 2 or rootvirtualizationv2) which implemented a much better import/export model – allowing you to effectively just copy the virtual machine folder (with the VM’s XML configuration file inside it) as well as the VM’s VHDs and then import that directly. For Windows Server 2012 we maintained the version 1 WMI namespace which allowed for importing of Windows Server 2008/R2 VM’s on 2012.
In Windows Server 2012 R2 we have removed the old version 1 namespace which means we can’t import virtual machines that where exported from Windows Server 2008/R2.
In solutia de mai jos, imi propun sa va arat cum se poate instala si configura NSClient++ pe un sistem de operare windows.
[mai mult...]In Hyper-V nu este asa usor sa importi un HDD extern / sau un hdd local in masina virtuala precum celelalte solutii de virtualizate des intalnite (Virtual Box, WMWare)
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Se doreste aflarea conturilor de domeniu ce au setata optiunea password never expire
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